Finding funding for clinical testing of apigenin in humans may be difficult, according to Hyder.
“Clinical trials of apigenin with humans could start tomorrow, but we have to wait for medical doctors to carry out that next step,” Hyder said. “One problem is, because apigenin doesn’t have a known specific target in the cancer cell, funding agencies have been reticent to support the research. Also, since apigenin is easily extracted from plants, pharmaceutical companies don’t stand to profit from the treatment; hence the industry won’t put money into studying something you can grow in your garden.”
Of course there is no guarantee at this point that consuming an entire parsley plant or bunch of celery everyday will prevent (let alone reverse) cancer, and nor am I recommending that. However, I am going to plant more parsley this summer and make sure to those plants healthy enough to bring inside all winter. I have also purchase two celery plants to experiment with growing that, too. In addition, chamomile, thyme, and rutabagas (my husband's favorite vegetable!) are also high sources of apigenin. I'm sure there are additional great food sources, too.
Variety, variety, variety of whole foods is the unspoken part of Hippocrates wise advice:
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” ― Hippocrates
Make your morning smoothies even greener and healthier with added parsley, even celery!
Cultivate your life - you are what you grow and eat - leaf by leaf and stalk by stalk,
Diana Dyer, MS, RD
I read about parsley last year being one of the most healthy we started putting it in our salad mix. I was surprised since mostly you see it as a decoration on a plate of food.
Yahoo..they are now using food for medicine...thank you for posting this research. I will keep adding parsley to my salad mix. It sure takes a long time to germinate, but it does grow eventually.:-) robbie
Yes parsley does take forever to germinate. I will buy organic sets from some of my favorite local organic growers who were more organized than I was earlier this year. Watch for the black swallowtail caterpillar on your parley plants, one of its preferred foods. I share this (although I am still fuming over ground hogs eating 90% of my heirloom dried bean plants a couple of years ago!).
Parsley and kale have long been 'just decoration on the plate', however I don't think I can start yet another blog i.e. 365DaysofParsley! I'll need to leave that good idea to someone else. :)
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