Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I could not pass up sharing this little 'birthday blurb' I saw on one of my favorite websites,

Apr 7,  Birthday of William Wordsworth (1770-1850) — British poet who, together with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, launched the romantic period in England. Wordsworth became poet laureate in 1843. He said that the best portion of our lives consists of “little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and love." 

That sounds like the original version of the bumper sticker phrase "practice random acts of kindness".

So while I am continuing to pack and move (and sort and recycle) tomorrow, I'll also be celebrating William Wordsworth's life and poetry, thinking about and enjoying memories of acts of kindness and love. What a great way to spend a day! And then of course, to pass those acts on. :-)

We moved about half of our big stuff over the past weekend with the help of some college crew team members (great upper body strength!), with all the rest of the furniture to be moved next Tuesday. Step, step, step! Most steps are forward now instead of 1 forward, 2 back. We've got the finish line in sight. Yea!

"Cultivate your life - you are what you grow - inch by inch, row by row"

Diana Dyer, MS, RD

1 comment:

elaine said...

Hello. So happy to hear about the forward momentum.

Thank you for your random act of kindness to me -- sharing that wonderful quote about the perfume one wears after gardening :-).

Take care.