Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, 
it would be a merrier world. 
~~ J.J.R. Tolkien 

I would add dancing, the sun and rain on my face, my hands in the soil, hearing the 'cheery, cheery' chortling of bluebirds during the winter, having a chickadee land on my outstretched hand (or head!) and pick up a sunflower seed, seeing a sparkle of happiness in someone's eyes or feeling the warmth of invisible peace in a heart, and, oh, so much more brings both a lift to my heart and a tear of gratefulness to my eye. These are just a few of the many reasons I greet each morning with hope.

So I send hopeful New Year greetings to all my readers that 2012 will be 'merrier' for you, filled to overflowing with whatever brings you cheer. I have not met most of you and likely never will, but I want you to know that through the Universe you have all touched me in many ways. I know a bit of your story which reminds me of this beautiful proverb:

The story is told eye to eye
mind to mind and heart to heart.
~~Scottish Traveller Proverb

Wherever you travelled last year and will go this coming year, I hope some small part of my story or my writing (some might call my blog one of ramblings, some short, some of 'epic' length this past year) have and/or will in some way touch you in some way with happiness, with healing, and with hope, 'eye to eye, mind to mind, or heart to heart'. 

Thank you for touching me. :-)

"Cultivate your life - you are what you grow - inch by inch, row by row"

Diana Dyer, MS, RD


lookinout said...

I enjoy reading you and think it uplifting. I wish you continued success and good health.

Anonymous said...

Through the Universe you have touched me. Giving hope, love and inspiration. I wish you good health and happiness. Susan

Kateri said...

I find it uplifting as well. Happy New Years to you and your family! said...

I am thankful this New Year's 2012 morning for so many many things-everything! One of those "things" which I need to change to blessings, is finding out about your book, website and blog, Diana! Thank you for your time in helping so many of us! Susie Welker

Susie W. said...

Many, many things to be thankful for this New Year's 2012 morning! Among the "things" is the blessing of finding out about your book, website and blog, Diana. Thank you for taking time to help all of us. Susie Welker

Elaine said...

Happy New Year, Diana. During the past two days I've read many New Year's quotes, toasts & blessings but none have moved me more than your post. Thank you for the many ways you have touched me since we first "met." May every day of 2012 be filled with reasons for you to feel joyful, hopeful, loved.