We took 7 varieties of garlic scapes: Music, Montana Carlos, German extra-hardy, China stripe, Romanian Red, Ontario Purple Trillium, and Blossom. We sold out of 4 varieties, and came very close to completely selling out our first harvest of our garlic scapes. No worries, we'll be back next week with much, much more, including several more varieties.
All in all, to say it was a fun and joyful experience is an understatement. I slept like a rock last night, but my husband was too excited and so will sleep well tonight!
Where are the photos, you ask? Well, we were so swamped from the moment we finally got our canopy tent up and everything displayed and organized on the table, that we never got a picture of us on either of own cameras. However, RealTimeFarms.com did take our picture and posted it on their website (look for the Ypsilanti Downtown Market photos on Tuesday June 8). Please check out this new website - they want to make it as easy as possible for you to find fresh, local food where you live!
We'll get some photos of us and our stand for sure next week. We'll be much more organized, and it will be very helpful to actually get there early next week! :-) I'll post up the recipes we're passing out, too, asap (i.e. when I have another free minute!).
Until then, I hope you get down to your farmers' market and enjoy the bounty of local produce coming in - yum, yum!
"Cultivate your life - you are what you grow - inch by inch, row by row"
Diana Dyer, MS, RD
Wow, you are really off to a good start. That is so exciting.
Looking forward to the recipes. I've never eaten garlic scapes other then to make garlic vinegar out of them. I am between me and my family we have wasted hundreds of lbs of garlic scapes over the years. It is time to cut the ones on my little patch of garlic.
I didn't even know what a scape was until I read this. But now I know I've seen them and can start to use them too! As always, thanks, Cheryl
How exciting to hear about your successful debut. I would have happily bought any of your remaining scapes...but of course there's that little barrier of distance and border.
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